Pregnancy and Piercing: What You Need to Know

Pregnancy and Piercing: What You Need to Know

Piercings have become increasingly popular over the years as a form of self-expression and personal style. However, if you are pregnant, you may be wondering whether it is safe to keep your piercings or get new ones. In this article, we will address some common questions related to pregnancy and piercing.

What piercings can you not get while pregnant?

It is generally not recommended to get any new piercings while pregnant. This is because your body is already undergoing significant changes, and your immune system may not be as strong as usual. This can increase your risk of infection, which can be harmful to both you and your baby.

In particular, piercings that involve the nipples, belly button, or genitalia should be avoided during pregnancy. These areas are more prone to infection and may take longer to heal, which can put you at even greater risk.

When should I take my piercings out when pregnant?

If you already have piercings, you may be wondering whether you should remove them during pregnancy. The answer depends on several factors, including the location of the piercing and how far along you are in your pregnancy.

If you have piercings in areas that may stretch or tear during pregnancy, such as the belly button or nipples, it is generally recommended to remove them during the later stages of pregnancy. This can help prevent injury and make it easier for you to breastfeed after giving birth.

However, if you have piercings in other areas, such as your ears or nose, you may be able to keep them in throughout your pregnancy. Just be sure to clean them regularly and watch for signs of infection.

Does pregnancy affect healing of piercings?

Pregnancy can affect the healing of piercings in a few different ways. For one, the increased blood flow and hormonal changes in your body can make your piercings more sensitive than usual. You may also experience more swelling, which can make it harder for your piercings to heal properly.

In addition, if you have a weakened immune system due to pregnancy, you may be more prone to infections. This can make it harder for your piercings to heal and increase your risk of complications.

Why can’t you get a tattoo or piercing while pregnant?

Getting a tattoo or piercing while pregnant is not recommended for several reasons. For one, the risk of infection is higher during pregnancy, as your immune system may not be as strong. This can increase your risk of serious complications, including sepsis and blood poisoning.

In addition, the chemicals and dyes used in tattoos and piercings may not be safe for you or your baby. Some of these substances can be harmful and may even lead to birth defects or other health problems.

Can you get a piercing at 6 weeks pregnant?

It is generally not recommended to get a piercing while pregnant, regardless of how far along you are. This is because your body is already undergoing significant changes, and your immune system may not be as strong as usual. This can increase your risk of infection, which can be harmful to both you and your baby.

In addition, some piercings may be more prone to complications during pregnancy, such as those involving the nipples, belly button, or genitalia. It is always best to err on the side of caution and avoid getting new piercings until after your baby is born.


Pregnancy can be an exciting and challenging time, and it’s important to take care of yourself and your baby throughout the process. If you have piercings, it’s important to be aware of the risks and take steps to minimize them. By following the tips and recommendations outlined in this article, you can help ensure a safe and healthy pregnancy

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