Industrial piercing

Industrial Piercing Jewellery

Industrial piercing jewellery typically consists of a straight barbell that spans the length of the ear, connecting the two piercings. The barbell is usually made of surgical-grade stainless steel, titanium, or another biocompatible material to reduce the risk of allergic reactions or other complications.

The length of the barbell will vary depending on the thickness of the ear and the placement of the piercings. Your piercer will measure the distance between the two piercings and select a barbell that is the appropriate length for your anatomy. The barbell may be curved slightly to match the curve of the ear or may be straight depending on your preferences.

The ends of the barbell can come in a variety of shapes and styles, including balls, spikes, or flat disks. Some people prefer to customize their industrial piercing jewellery with different colours, gems, or shapes to express their individual style.

It’s important to select high-quality jewellery for your industrial piercing to reduce the risk of complications and ensure proper healing. You should avoid using cheap or low-quality jewellery that can irritate the piercing or cause an allergic reaction. Your piercer can recommend reputable jewellery brands and materials that are safe for your industrial piercing.

Industrial Piercings: Pain, Healing, Cons, and Aftercare

Industrial piercing is a popular type of ear piercing that involves two holes connected by a single piece of jewellery. It’s often referred to as the “bar” or “scaffold” piercing, and it typically requires more healing time and aftercare than a standard earlobe piercing. If you’re considering getting an industrial piercing, here’s what you need to know.

How Painful is an Industrial Piercing?

One of the most common questions about industrial piercing is how much it hurts. Pain is subjective, and everyone has a different pain threshold, so it’s difficult to say how much pain you’ll experience during the piercing process. However, it’s worth noting that industrial piercing is generally considered one of the more painful ear piercings. The piercing needle passes through two pieces of cartilage, and this can cause more discomfort than a standard earlobe piercing. However, the pain is usually short-lived, and most people find that the piercing is worth the discomfort.

Are Industrial Piercings Hard to Heal?

Industrial piercing can take longer to heal than a standard ear piercing. It’s important to take proper care of the piercing during the healing process to avoid complications. Healing time can vary, but it generally takes around 6 to 12 months for an industrial piercing to fully heal. During this time, you should avoid touching the piercing with dirty hands, avoid submerging the piercing in water, and avoid sleeping on the side of the piercing. You should also avoid wearing tight clothing that could rub against the piercing and irritate it.

What Are the Cons of Industrial Piercing?

Like any piercing, industrial piercing has its pros and cons. Some of the cons of industrial piercing include the potential for pain and discomfort during the healing process, the risk of infection or other complications if the piercing is not properly cared for, and the possibility of keloid scarring. Additionally, some workplaces may have dress codes that prohibit visible piercings, including industrial piercings.

Can I Sleep on My Industrial Piercing?

During the healing process, it’s important to avoid sleeping on the side of the piercing. This can put pressure on the piercing and slow down the healing process. If you have trouble sleeping on your back, you may want to consider using a travel pillow or a neck pillow to support your head and keep your ear off the pillow.

How Do You Shower with a New Industrial Piercing?

It’s important to keep your industrial piercing clean and dry during the healing process. When showering, you should avoid submerging your piercing in water, as this can increase the risk of infection. Instead, you can use a gentle, fragrance-free soap to clean around the piercing, then rinse thoroughly with warm water. After showering, you should pat the area dry with a clean towel, making sure not to rub or irritate the piercing.

What Can You Not Do After an Industrial Piercing?

During the healing process, there are several things you should avoid doing to prevent complications. You should avoid touching the piercing with dirty hands, swimming, submerging the piercing in water, sleeping on the side of the piercing, wearing tight clothing that could rub against the piercing, and using any harsh or fragranced products on or near the piercing.

Which Ear is Not Suitable for Industrial Piercing?

Both ears can be pierced for an industrial piercing, but some people may find that one ear is more suitable than the other. The placement of the piercing will depend on the shape and size of your ear, as well as your personal preferences. Your piercer can help you determine the best placement for your individual anatomy.

Should You Twist a New Piercing?

No, you should never twist or rotate a new piercing. This can cause irritation and slow down the healing process. When you twist or move the jewellery, you risk disrupting the healing tissue and introducing bacteria into the piercing. This can lead to infection, delayed healing, and other complications. Instead, you should leave the jewellery in place and only clean the area around the piercing with a saline solution or a mild soap recommended by your piercer. It’s important to follow the aftercare instructions provided by your piercer to ensure a smooth healing process.

In conclusion, industrial piercing can be a stylish and unique addition to your ear jewellery collection, but it requires proper aftercare and patience during the healing process. While it may be more painful and take longer to heal than a standard earlobe piercing, many people find the end result to be worth it. As with any piercing, it’s important to consult with a professional piercer and follow their aftercare instructions to avoid complications and ensure a successful healing process.

If you live in the Bournemouth area pop down and we can help with any piercing queries you may have.

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