How to Become a UKAPP Approved Piercer

How to Become a UKAPP Approved Piercer


Are you passionate about body piercing and dream of becoming a professional piercer? If you aspire to be recognized as a skilled and reputable piercer in the United Kingdom, achieving UKAPP (United Kingdom Association of Professional Piercers) approval is an essential step in your journey. Being a UKAPP approved piercer not only enhances your credibility but also assures clients of your commitment to high-quality standards and safe practices. In this comprehensive guide, we will walk you through the requirements and steps to become a UKAPP approved piercer.

We have no affiliation to UKAPP nor have we been paid by them to write this article. This article is simply based on our belief of the benefits of joining UKAPP.

Why Become a UKAPP Approved Piercer?

As a professional body piercer, you may be wondering why you should consider joining the UKAPP (UK Association of Professional Piercers). In today’s competitive environment, where many individuals claim to be expert piercers, being a UKAPP member can provide you with the credibility and recognition you need to stand out from the crowd. Here are some compelling reasons to become a UKAPP approved piercer:

  1. Credibility and High Standards: The UKAPP upholds stringent criteria and maintains high standards for its members. By joining, you demonstrate your commitment to professionalism and excellence in the field of body piercing. This distinction helps consumers differentiate between so-called professionals and UKAPP members, making them more likely to seek out your services and advice.
  2. Trust and Respect: Membership in the UKAPP earns you the trust and respect of your clients and peers. It shows that you are part of a reputable organization dedicated to promoting safe and hygienic piercing practices. This trust can lead to increased patronage and referrals from satisfied clients.
  3. Access to Collective Knowledge and Experience: As a UKAPP member, you gain access to a wealth of collective knowledge and experience from your colleagues. This includes networking opportunities and the chance to learn from the most respected and experienced piercers worldwide. The UKAPP community provides valuable support, guidance, and professional development opportunities.
  4. Exclusive Discounts: Being a UKAPP member comes with additional perks, such as exclusive discounts from trusted suppliers. These discounts can help you save money on essential piercing supplies and jewelry, enhancing your profitability. From discounted needles and body jewelry to piercing aftercare products, these benefits add value to your membership.
  5. Annual UKAPP Conference: As a member, you have the opportunity to attend members-only classes at the Annual UKAPP Conference. This event offers valuable educational sessions, workshops, and networking opportunities to enhance your skills and knowledge in the field of body piercing. Members also receive discounted entry to the conference, making it an affordable and worthwhile investment in your professional growth.
  6. Voice and Influence: By becoming a member, you gain the opportunity to vote and voice your opinions on matters that shape the future of the UKAPP. Your input helps shape the organization’s direction, ensuring that it remains responsive to the needs of its members and the industry as a whole.
  7. Marketing and Referrals: The UKAPP actively promotes itself, which indirectly endorses all its members. This exposure can lead to increased marketing and referrals for your piercing services. UKAPP members are frequently contacted for recommendations on safe and hygienic piercers in various regions, and these members often refer clients to other UKAPP members, fostering a supportive professional network.
  8. Strength in Numbers: Being a UKAPP member means having the strength of an organization behind you. This collective power is valuable when dealing with legislators, inspectors, and even clients. Being part of the first and largest organization of its kind adds credibility and makes you less vulnerable to legal challenges. Legislators seeking input and assistance often turn to the UKAPP for guidance, further solidifying its influence and importance in the industry.
  9. UKAPP Logo Usage: Upon meeting the guidelines, you gain the privilege of using the UKAPP logo, a symbol of your commitment to professionalism, safety, and education in body piercing. Displaying the logo can further enhance your credibility and serve as a visual endorsement for potential clients.
  10. International Recognition: UKAPP members are internationally regarded as knowledgeable experts in the field of body piercing. By joining, you align yourself with this respected community, enhancing your professional reputation and opening doors to opportunities both locally and globally.

Becoming a UKAPP approved piercer not only elevates your status in the industry but also provides tangible benefits and support for your career. It is an investment

Meeting the Requirements

To become a UKAPP approved piercer, you must meet a set of strict requirements outlined by the association. These requirements cover various aspects of your studio, practices, certifications, and equipment. Let’s delve into the essential prerequisites for UKAPP approval:

  1. Piercing Experience: As a minimum requirement, you must have at least one year of provable piercing experience. This experience demonstrates your competence and understanding of the art and techniques of body piercing.
  2. Certifications: Obtain certifications in CPR (Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation), first aid, and bloodborne pathogens. These certifications ensure that you are equipped to handle emergency situations and maintain a safe working environment.
  3. Business License and Registration: It is crucial to have a valid business license or registration with the local council for body piercing. This step ensures that you are operating legally and abiding by local regulations.
  4. Insurance: Acquire treatment liability insurance to protect yourself, your clients, and your business from potential risks and liabilities.
  5. Shop and Studio Setup: Your shop and studio must meet specific criteria to ensure cleanliness, safety, and hygiene. Some of these requirements include non-porous and easily disinfected surfaces for counters, walls, and flooring. You must also maintain clear separation between clean and contaminated spaces and display correct signage for biohazard, fire exits, and handwashing.
  6. Autoclave and Sterilization: Equip your studio with a B-class Autoclave or a statim, along with records of sterilization cycles. Additionally, implement proper waste disposal systems, including labelled biohazard containers and hands-free bins.
  7. Jewelry and Equipment: Meet the minimum jewellery standards set by UKAPP, ensuring you source verified titanium from reputable suppliers. Use only sterile, single-use assistance implements, marking implements, and sealed containers for sterilized implements. Avoid using previously worn jewellery for new piercings.

UKAPP Approval Process

To initiate the UKAPP approval process, you need to provide a comprehensive 360º video walk-through of your shop and studio. This video, narrated and no longer than 15 minutes, should showcase the various areas of your establishment, including the outside area, front lobby, counter/display area, sterilization/instrument processing room, employee lounge area, public/employee restroom, employee hand-washing area, and piercing room. Ensure that your video adheres to the guidelines provided by UKAPP.

Once you have prepared your video, you can upload it to YouTube as an unlisted video with a Creative Commons license. Keep the YouTube link handy for submission during the application process. The purpose of this video is to showcase your adherence to health and safety practices and demonstrate that your studio meets UKAPP’s criteria.

Membership Pack and Renewal

If you fulfil all the requirements and your application is approved, you will receive a membership pack from UKAPP. This pack provides detailed information about the benefits and responsibilities of being a UKAPP approved piercer. The initial membership set-up fee is £100, with an annual renewal fee of £30.

It is important to note that the requirements for UKAPP approval are subject to updates.

To stay updated with the requirements and guidelines, it is recommended to regularly check the UKAPP website or reach out to the association directly for any changes or additional information.

Continuing Education and Professional Development

As a UKAPP approved piercer, it is crucial to prioritize ongoing education and professional development. This helps you stay updated with the latest industry trends, techniques, and safety practices. UKAPP organizes workshops, conferences, and seminars where you can enhance your skills and knowledge. Attendance and participation in these events contribute to your professional growth and demonstrate your commitment to maintaining high standards.

Additionally, consider seeking mentorship from experienced piercers or joining professional networks within the body piercing community. Engaging with peers and experts allows you to learn from their experiences, exchange ideas, and stay connected with the evolving field.

Upholding UKAPP Standards

Once you become a UKAPP approved piercer, you are expected to uphold the association’s standards and code of ethics. This includes:

  1. Adhering to Safety Practices: Maintain a clean and safe environment in your studio. Follow proper sterilization protocols, use appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE), and ensure proper aftercare instructions are provided to clients.
  2. Continuous Education: Stay informed about the latest advancements in piercing techniques, equipment, and aftercare. Attend seminars, workshops, and conferences to enhance your knowledge and skills.
  3. Client Communication and Consent: Communicate openly with your clients, ensuring they understand the piercing procedure, risks, and aftercare requirements. Obtain informed consent before performing any piercing.
  4. Jewellery Selection: Use only high-quality jewellery made from safe materials, such as implant-grade titanium, niobium, or gold. Educate clients about the importance of using proper jewellery for their piercings.
  5. Ethical Practices: Conduct your business ethically and professionally, treating all clients with respect and dignity. Maintain client confidentiality and respect their privacy.

Verified Jewellery Manufacturers of Implant Grade Titanium

The following is a revised list of verified jewellery manufacturers that produce implant grade titanium. These manufacturers have met our requirements for titanium standards. Please note that this list is subject to change as new manufacturers emerge or modify their business practices. If you are using a supplier not listed here and would like us to verify whether their mill certificates meet our standards, please contact us at

  1. Anatometal
  2. Industrial Strength
  3. Neometal
  4. Inari UK
  5. Junipurr
  6. People’s Jewelry
  7. LeRoi Fine Jewellery
  8. Clickerino
  9. Infinite
  10. Kiwi Custom Titanium
  11. Canasteel

Please ensure that you source your jewellery from these reputable manufacturers to guarantee the use of implant grade titanium in your piercing procedures.


Becoming a UKAPP approved piercer is a significant achievement that demonstrates your dedication to the art of body piercing and ensures the highest standards of safety and professionalism. By meeting the requirements, going through the approval process, and continuously upholding UKAPP standards, you establish yourself as a reputable and trustworthy piercer in the United Kingdom. Remember to stay updated with the latest guidelines and actively engage in professional development to grow as a piercer and provide the best possible service to your clients.

Embark on this journey with passion, commitment, and a thirst for knowledge, and you’ll be well on your way to becoming a respected UKAPP approved piercer. Good luck!

Note: The information provided in this article is based on the knowledge available up until September 2021. It is advisable to refer to the UKAPP website or contact the association directly for the most up-to-date information and requirements.

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